result count: 5

Sys427038_nameWillpower Energy Pillar
Sys427038_szquest_accept_detailDid you know that willpower has an impact on the environment? If you consider it a type of magic, you could say that it's a form of magic without any special attributes.\n\nBut if that doesn't make any sense to you, no problem. I used this theory when setting up the second pillar for cleansing the voidal energy. Ultimately this is the only way to extract the energy I need. But I'll need some other shatterstars if I'm to give the process a kickstart.\n\nPlease head over to [ZONE_ALLRIC_GARRISON|Hovik's Camp]. The researchers there will surely be able to help us.
Sys427038_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help.\n\nThe pillar can work at full steam now. But the most difficult part of the procedure is still to come.
Sys427038_szquest_descHelp [123339|Bosbert] to extract energy. The researchers [123340|Morgan] and [123342|Raphael] will be useful to you in this.
Sys427038_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's not urgent. Take your time.