result count: 5

Sys427039_nameBlood Medicine
Sys427039_szquest_accept_detailShatterstars are completely useless to me. I'll give them to you, but only if you're willing to do something for them.\n\nLet's see now... ah yes! They're lacking medicines at the watchtower at the moment!\n\nThere've been a lot of injuries lately. You need to be particularly careful around water to make sure the wounds don't get infected. [243183|Bloodweed] is the perfect solution to this, and is great for healing anything related to the blood. Do you think you could bring me some? [243183|Bloodweed] can be found among the [<S>108420|Man-Eating Bulrushes] in the area. Please set off immediately and bring me 8 lots!
Sys427039_szquest_complete_detailGood work.\n\nNow just wait a moment, and let me see what sort of shatterstars I can extract from these organisms.
Sys427039_szquest_descObtain 8 lots of [243183|Bloodweed] and take them to [123342|Raphael].
Sys427039_szquest_uncomplete_detailDo you realize that you've managed to do two good deeds with one stone, by eliminating man-eating swamp grass and obtaining medicine at the same time?