result count: 5

Sys427063_nameWishing Runes
Sys427063_szquest_accept_detailThank you. You help me all time very reliably. Even though we not know each other long time, I feel like we know each other forever. Maybe because we are both warriors who fight on battlefield and want to put an end to this war.\n\nI already volunteered to join in next fight. While I wait for action, I want to make some Wishing Runes for our comrades who still prepare for battle. Even if it only has psychological effect, little gesture can have big effect.\n\nWould you please bring me some [243177|Tanzila Volcano Sludge]?
Sys427063_szquest_complete_detailBalubalu! You good pirate. Ancestors will listen to your wishes. Help [123366|Kusi Balu] make Wishing Runes!\n\n([123366|Kusi Balu] tugs on your arm, takes the volcano mud and plays with it in his hands...)
Sys427063_szquest_descBring [123366|Kusi Balu] some [243177|Tanzila Volcano Sludge] so he can make Wishing Runes out of it.
Sys427063_szquest_uncomplete_detailBalubalu! If you not believe, wishes not come true.