result count: 5

Sys427072_nameBlack Marketing
Sys427072_szquest_accept_detailInterested in a profitable little venture? Don't worry, I'm utterly trustworthy.\n\nHave you got any shatterstars on you? These fancy new energy storage devices fetch great prices on the open market. If you sell them to me, I promise you'll make a tidy profit.
Sys427072_szquest_complete_detailAh, a big customer. A pleasure doing business with you.\n\nAny time you need something, just come to me. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.
Sys427072_szquest_descSell the [<S>201571|Shatterstars of Water], [<S>201572|Shatterstars of Earth] and [<S>201575|Shatterstars of Voidal Energy] to the black market trader [123351|Fusi].
Sys427072_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo do we have a deal then or not? If not, stop wasting my time.