result count: 5

Sys427088_nameEl archienemigoThe Archenemy
Sys427088_szquest_accept_detailAl parecer todos hemos subestimado a [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond], incluso [122980|Kidd]. Si pudierais sentir el flujo de los elementos, sabrías que su energía oscura ya ha atravesado el sello. Si sigue así, solo será cuestión de tiempo hasta que el sello se haya disuelto por completo. Nosotros, el Ojo de la Sabiduría, nos encargaremos de reparar las grietas del sello, pero... primero alguien tiene que atreverse a acercarse a él y al menos debilitarlo.Every last one of us has clearly underestimated [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond], even [122980|Kidd]. If you could feel the flow of the elements, you'd already know that his evil energy has pervaded the seal. If this continues it is only a question of time until the seal completely disintegrates. We of the Eye of Wisdom will see to it that the cracks in the seal are repaired, but... first someone must take up the courage to confront and at least weaken him.
Sys427088_szquest_complete_detail¡Del resto nos encargamos nosotros! ¡No debemos darle la oportunidad de romper el sello! Será mejor que lo comprobemos.Leave the rest to us! We can't allow him to break the seal! Maybe we should check the seal more thoroughly.
Sys427088_szquest_descEvitad que [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] rompa el sello. \n\nEs necesario completar la acción principal de [ZONE_Z30_KATHALAN|Casailán]<CY> para utilizar el portal de transporte frente a</CY> [123476|Arwen Gelf] <CY> y así poder desafiar a [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond].</CY>Prevent [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] from breaking through the seal.\n\nOnly once the main questline in [ZONE_Z30_KATHALAN|Kashaylan]<CY> has been completed can the transport portal in front of </CY>[123476|Arwen Gelf]<CY> be used so you can confront [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond].</CY>
Sys427088_szquest_uncomplete_detailPor suerte nos encontrábamos realizando investigaciones en la zona. De lo contrario no habríamos descubierto esta irregularidad en el sello.It's fortunate that we were carrying out experiments nearby, or we'd never have noticed the irregularities with the seal at all.