result count: 6

SC_Z32Q427104_01I'll help you to put up a few [<S>243174|Bear Deterrent Bells].
Sys427104_nameThe Curious Incident of the Bear at Bartas Farm
Sys427104_szquest_accept_detailPuki's home, over by the cliffs, has been taken over by giant bears. He's just set off with a few sturdy young men to deal with the bears, but he should really just be grateful he's still alive. What does he think he's playing at? He's only asking for trouble!\n\nThe more I think about it, the more it worries me. Please, get these [<S>243174|Bear Deterrent Bells] put up and then go after them!
Sys427104_szquest_complete_detailBears hate noise. That's why we need you to affix these [<S>243174|Bear Deterrent Bells] to the [<S>123622|Old Pillars]. Then it will only take a quick shake every now and then and the bears will keep their distance away from the noise.
Sys427104_szquest_descHelp the people by mounting 10 [<S>243174|Bear Deterrent Bells] to the [<S>123622|Old Pillars].
Sys427104_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat a catastrophe! As if we didn't already have enough to do! Now the bears are coming over here and running riot. They've already killed a slew of chickens and dogs, and have even started attacking people. One bloke is now blind in one eye.