result count: 6

SC_Z32Q427125_1I'm [$playername] from the Adventurers' Guild.
Sys427125_nameVisiting Brinewind Castle
Sys427125_szquest_accept_detailOh, I beg your pardon! Ideally I should take you straight to <CY>Bodwin</CY>, but my nanny isn't allowed to know I've run away like that. If my father learns of it, he'll ground me.\n\nHere, take this [243239|permit]. You can find your own way to the assembly hall, though I can't be sure it isn't already over.
Sys427125_szquest_complete_detail([123679|Bodwin Daniels] examines the [243239|permit], nodding slowly.)\n\nWhere's the nanny gone to again? It's bound to end in tears again. Good job the girl wasn't so stupid to get herself lost somewhere really dangerous. But giving you the permit without even thinking about it? I'll have to give her a little reminder lesson about the dangers of dealing with strangers.
Sys427125_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle] with the [243239|permit] and meet [123679|Bodwin Daniels], second-in-command of the Falcon Regiment.
Sys427125_szquest_uncomplete_detailAnd you are...?