result count: 5

Sys427131_nameRoyal Artifacts
Sys427131_szquest_accept_detailPsst... keep quiet. Just try to act as naturally as possible. It's a secret that you're helping me.\n\nIn recent times a number of royal artifacts have been stolen from [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle]. The general commissioned officer gave us the task of finding out who's behind it all. We've already managed to determine that it is someone from within our own ranks, and that the artifacts are being smuggled. We've had tabs on the suspects for quite a while. Indeed, we even know where they're holding these royal artifacts, but we just haven't been able to recover them yet. If we're not smart about it, the artifacts will find themselves on board ship sailing off on a voyage they'll never return from!
Sys427131_szquest_complete_detailThey've certainly very similar to the artifacts on the list, but a huge number of forgeries have turned up of late. I'll need to take a closer look at them.
Sys427131_szquest_descRetrieve the [<S>203445|Stolen Artifacts] from the ship off [ZONE_BROKEN_BAY|Port Shard]. You can get on board via the [123844|Climbing Point].
Sys427131_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe general commissioned officer said I would be able to contact you for help.