result count: 4

Sys427140_szquest_accept_detailAhem. Excuse me, I don't want to interrupt your display of martial prowess, but there's something that might interest you.\n\nThe Phirius Workshops have received the task of recruiting helpers for the Haidon Artisan Society's project. They want to start soon, and they still don't have enough people. Would you perhaps be interested in giving it a go?\n\nIn principle, everyone who takes part will be greatly rewarded for their efforts. The Haidon Artisan Society will even supply the participants with combat equipment which cannot be bought with money. It's a unique opportunity. The artisans would certainly be very happy if you were to give them your support in Varanas.
Sys427140_szquest_complete_detailIsn't it funny how news gets around?\n\n(He laughs.)\n\nAnd as soon as some new information finds its way around, there's a commotion. Well then...
Sys427140_szquest_descGo to [CRYSTAL_NAME_01|Varanas City] and meet [123632|Andalus Lee] outside the [ZONE_VARANAS_CLASS_HALL|Class Hall]. He will explain the situation to you.