result count: 6

SC_Z32Q427153_1Are you Sparrowhawk [123682|Rykia] of the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]?
Sys427153_nameThe Sparrowhawk's Nest
Sys427153_szquest_accept_detailIf you really want to find out more about these pirates, then go and ask someone from the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment].\n\nI remember that a young woman from the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment] set off for [ZONE_VEILED_BLACKTOWN|Veiled Mist Harbor] only a few days ago. Her name was [123682|Rykia] or something. She'll probably be able to tell you what you want to know. Now skedaddle!\n\n([123681|Philander Simon] makes it unmistakably clear that your presence is no longer wanted.)
Sys427153_szquest_complete_detail(You explain to [123682|Rykia] why you're here.)\n\nRight, I see. [123681|Philander Simon]? He was never able to stand the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]. Presumably he's worried that we'd make his job redundant. Which is why he'd be more than happy to see the back of us around the [ZONE_SPLITWATER_FRONT|Cape of Veiled Mists]. Don't take his ramblings too seriously. I certainly don't.\n\nAnyway, back to you. I wasn't expecting to have someone so interesting come my way in this hiding place. I bet we'll manage a lot, working together.
Sys427153_szquest_descMeet with Sparrowhawk [123682|Rykia] of the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]. She's hiding in [ZONE_VEILED_BLACKTOWN|Veiled Mist Harbor].
Sys427153_szquest_uncomplete_detailBah, did you give me a fright! I thought for a moment there that the pirates had found me. A split second longer and I'd have given you a right good... well, anyway, lucky for you you're not quite dressed the same as them pirates.