result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys427164_name | Mulas de carga | Hired Hands |
Sys427164_szquest_accept_detail | En todas partes hacen falta provisiones, por eso hay que entregarlas cuanto antes. Este carro va al puerto, otro abastece la [ZONE_NORTH_WILLOW_MANOR|Finca del Sauce Septentrional] y otro, [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Castillo Brisal]. Uff... y yo, que me torcí la mano y no puedo cargarla mucho. Necesito urgentemente ayuda, alguien fuerte y con aguante... | Provisions are needed everywhere, which means they need to be delivered as quickly as humanly possible. This cart's going to the port, another one supplies [ZONE_NORTH_WILLOW_MANOR|North Willow Manor] and a third visits [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle]. *sigh* But I've sprained my wrist and can't pick up anything heavy. I could use a young, strapping soul to lend me a hand... |
Sys427164_szquest_complete_detail | ¡Por lo visto tendré que contar con vos hasta que me recupere de la mano! En estas épocas es realmente difícil encontrar ayudantes... | The way things are looking, I'll have to rely on you until my hand has healed! At times like these it's really hard to find workers. |
Sys427164_szquest_desc | Ayudad a [123670|Carlie] con los [123695|Lote de provisiones pesado] y [243222|cargadlos] en el carro. | Help [123670|Carlie] with the [<S>123695|Heavy Food Bundles] by loading [243222|them] onto the cart. |
Sys427164_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Es una suerte que estéis aquí. No es fácil encontrar ayudantes a última hora. | Thank goodness you're here. It isn't easy finding someone to help out at the last minute. |