result count: 9

SC_Z32Q427182_1I need some [203724|Falcon Regiment Gear].
SC_Z32Q427182_2[203724|Falcon Regiment Gear]? What do you intend? This equipment is specialist kit. If you're not registered, I can't just give you some willy-nilly.\n\nUnless... unless of course, you were to do me a service.
SC_Z32Q427182_3I've already got you the [<S>203725|Splitwater Coast Wolf Skins]!
SC_Z32Q427182_4Let's hear it!
Sys427182_nameIn the Pursuit of Dreams
Sys427182_szquest_accept_detail[123803|Annor the Orphan] is very intelligent. Maybe even too intelligent. Kids should be allowed to be stubborn once in a while, but they also need to be able to rely on adults. That being said, I still respect his decision.\n\nI just happen to be acquainted with <CY>Carlo</CY>, the guy who repairs the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment's] equipment. If [123803|Annor] wants to join the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment], maybe I could get him a selection of stuff from <CY>Carlo</CY> to encourage him.\n\nCould you ask <CY>Carlo</CY> for some gear that might fit [123803|Annor]? Tell him I'll pay him for it later.
Sys427182_szquest_complete_detail([123802|Ritz Patsig] nods gratefully.)\n\nHopefully this [203724|Falcon Regiment Gear] will be just want [123803|Annor] needs so he can follow his dream and become a member of the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment].
Sys427182_szquest_descGet some [203724|Falcon Regiment Gear] from [123804|Carlo Rargolds] and present it to [123803|Annor the Orphan] on [123802|Ritz Patsig's] behalf.
Sys427182_szquest_uncomplete_detailRemember to tell <CY>Carlo</CY> that [123803|Annor] is just a child and ensure he doesn't give you an adult size instead.