result count: 5

Sys427204_nameThe Difficult Missionary
Sys427204_szquest_accept_detailOh, one more thing! Weren't you attacked by the [<S>108869|Splitwater Scissorfeet] earlier? You look like nothing even happened.\n\nYou should keep a watch out for those [<S>108869|Splitwater Scissorfeet]... they'll attack anyone who crosses their path. Some people are even killed by their assaults... May the runic gods have mercy on their souls.\n\nEven if we were to move the camp, people would still be getting injured... I just can't see any solution to the problem.
Sys427204_szquest_complete_detailWhat? You killed them? But the [<S>108869|Splitwater Scissorfeet] are living creatures as well. Don't you think your actions were a trifle brutal?\n\nWell, I certainly can't condone your behavior, but I must admire you for your sense of justice.\n\nIf you want to learn more about the runic gods and come closer to them... I'm certain they will guide you, and herd you in the right direction to use your compulsion to do the right thing. Then you might be able to employ that charity of yours to help others in a more appropriate manner.
Sys427204_szquest_descHelp [123718|Farlo Kliter] and eliminate the [<S>108869|Splitwater Scissorfeet] near the [ZONE_MISSIONARY_CAMP|Runic Mission].
Sys427204_szquest_uncomplete_detailIs that not... a little barbarous?