result count: 5

Sys427221_nameA Time of Spice
Sys427221_szquest_accept_detailCan you smell that fine aroma in the air? That's the silver cinnamon. At the moment the precious young tree branches are growing. They're ripe to be picked, roasted and turned into little boxes of silver cinnamon. Some people sell them like that, while others process them further and produce silver cinnamon saplings or spices.\n\nThe plant's vital essences are all stored up in these tender young branches, and that's the only time you can produce a really top drawer spice out of them. If they overripen, the quality suffers for it. But harvesting [<S>203726|Young Silver Cinnamon Branches] is a time-consuming job which needs a lot of hands... to be honest, I only expect to make a loss doing all this.
Sys427221_szquest_complete_detailThank you! Maybe my losses won't work out to be quite so high after all.
Sys427221_szquest_descHelp [123806|Felory] to harvest 10 [<S>203726|Young Silver Cinnamon Branches].
Sys427221_szquest_uncomplete_detailAt the moment I'm making losses every single day that I spend growing silver cinnamon...