result count: 5

Sys427222_nameRescue the River Cockles
Sys427222_szquest_accept_detailHow irritating... all the river cockles have washed away through the broken fences... could you go and see how many of them you can salvage for me?
Sys427222_szquest_complete_detailThe [SC_Z32KOBOLD|Kobolds] destroyed the fences a few days ago. By now I've become so good at repairing them, you could almost give me a job as a handyman.
Sys427222_szquest_descHelp [123808|Weiss] by going down to the [ZONE_SPLITWATER_RIVER|Splitwater River] shoreline and collecting 10 [<S>203941|Flushed River Cockles].
Sys427222_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you want to get a really good quality spice, you need to mix precisely the right amounts of powdered pearl and silver cinnamon together.