result count: 5

Sys427224_nameLos misioneros y sus losas de piedraThe Missionaries and their Tablets
Sys427224_szquest_accept_detailLos miembros de la Misión Rúnica esperan que sigamos reuniendo [<S>204101|Placas de piedra antiguas] de las ruinas en mar abierto. Como ya nos han ayudado tanto no pude decir que no. Si tenéis la oportunidad, id a echar una mano.The missionaries from the Runic Mission want us to continue collecting [<S>204101|Ancient Stone Tablets] from the open sea near the ruin. Since they've given us their support so often, I couldn't exactly say no. If you get a chance, could you please have a look down their and lend them a hand?
Sys427224_szquest_complete_detailEstas [<S>204101|Placas de piedra antiguas] parecen basura... Los misioneros se interesan por cosas de lo más raro.These [<S>204101|Ancient Stone Tablets] look like bits of old rubbish... they sure have some curious hobbies, these missionaries.
Sys427224_szquest_descAyudad a [123814|Gorto Manson] y reunid 10 [<S>204101|Placas de piedra antiguas].Help [123814|Gorto Manson] to collect 10 [<S>204101|Ancient Stone Tablets].
Sys427224_szquest_uncomplete_detailA pesar de los sermones constantes de los misioneros, sigo sin saber a qué religión pertenecen.Although the missionaries are always giving sermons, I still don't know which religion this Runic Mission actually serves.