result count: 10

SC_Q427238_1You can't collect any more [204518|healing potions]!
SC_Q427238_2Give [123886|Akatai Shadis] the healing potion to drink.
SC_Q427238_3His complexion already looks a lot better.
SC_Q427238_4You've found a bottle of [204518|Soldier's Healing Potion].
SC_Q427238_5The amount of healing potion isn't sufficient yet.
Sys427238_nameThe Dead Lifesaver
Sys427238_szquest_accept_detailIf you're here to rescue him, you ought to give him some of your potion. What do you mean you don't have any? Well then, search through these here [<S>123909|Corpses]. All of his companions are lying close by. Some of them are bound to be carrying some healing potions. But be quick about it, before he succumbs to his injuries.
Sys427238_szquest_complete_detailIf he doesn't come to soon, there'll be no saving him. But let's look on the bright side. Maybe he'll become a ghost, just like me. The big advantage to that of course is that you don't need to worry about dying anymore, hahaha!
Sys427238_szquest_descFrisk the [<S>123909|Corpses] lying around nearby to obtain enough [<S>204518|Soldier's Healing Potions] for [123886|Akatai Shadis].
Sys427238_szquest_uncomplete_detail[123887|Baron Gelsor's] the name. You ought to be grateful to me. If I hadn't looked after your friend here, he'd have suffered the same fate as his companions.