result count: 6

SC_Q427241_1Yes! You'll only find the finest of dishes at our manor.
Sys427241_nameTo the Manor Borne
Sys427241_szquest_accept_detailYou're... wait, I may have been pretty much unconscious, but I know I heard two people talking. Who was the other one?\n\n(You tell [123888|Akatai Shadis] what has been going on.)\n\nAh, what a pity. I'm certain [123887|Baron Gelsor] would have been able to answer some of my questions. Darn, if only I hadn't lost consciousness, I'd know what he looks like. Now I won't even recognize him to thank him... Still, I should be grateful I'm still alive. A good job <CY>Padulun</CY> asked the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment] for help.\n\nThis isn't exactly the best place for a chat. We should return to [ZONE_KHARD_MANOR|Shadis Manor] to discuss matters.
Sys427241_szquest_complete_detailI somewhat overestimated my abilities when venturing so deep into the [ZONE_SECLUDED_DEPTHS_SWAMP|Forsaken Swamps]. Rather stupid of me. At least I was able to pick up a few tidbits of information.
Sys427241_szquest_descHead to [ZONE_KHARD_MANOR|Shadis Manor] and meet [123888|Akatai Shadis].
Sys427241_szquest_uncomplete_detailThat business in the [ZONE_SECLUDED_DEPTHS_SWAMP|Forsaken Swamps] was my first near death experience.