result count: 10

SC_Z33Q427242_1Tell me what you think of the situation...
SC_Z33Q427242_2In the beginning I only wanted to find out what was behind these major dead spirit attacks on the Spectral Gate. I've been to the [ZONE_SECLUDED_DEPTHS_SWAMP|Forsaken Swamps] before, and based on my experiences there, I figured a small escort troop would be enough.\n\nBut we soon heard these muttered curses. Before we knew where we were, the dead spirits had us surrounded and we had no option but to flee. In the ensuing chaos I could only make out a few strange bones and magic circles, before I lost consciousness. The only thing I remember after that was hearing the voice of this figure calling himself [123887|Baron Gelsor], talking about this strange power.
SC_Z33Q427242_3What does that have to do with this looming war?
SC_Z33Q427242_4There's definitely a link. The most important clues are these bones. They look exactly like the magical objects which Gyetor saw in the troll zone. He says the trolls never used to use magic objects like that, and he now wants to find out what's behind it.\n\nI've heard it's getting more and more difficult to keep the trolls in check. But if the bones they're using are the same as the ones from the [ZONE_SECLUDED_DEPTHS_SWAMP|Forsaken Swamps], then it's entirely possible that there's an even greater force in play, which is behind the dead spirit attacks as well as those of the trolls on the [ZONE_N_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan]. It's imperative that we find out what this foreign power's aim is, otherwise we can chalk up any chance we have of ever winning this war.
SC_Z33Q427242_5What you say certainly seems plausible.
Sys427242_nameHidden Vestiges
Sys427242_szquest_accept_detailI know that you committed yourself to defending [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle], but the troubles soon to be facing the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan] are a far tougher challenge. With your help, I'd like to put an end to them. <CY>Lord Kernor</CY> and I are old acquaintances. I'm certain he'll understand my concerns. If you're willing to help, I'll sketch out my appraisal of the situation.
Sys427242_szquest_complete_detailThe time has come for the peoples of the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan] to unite against a common enemy.
Sys427242_szquest_descListen to how [123888|Akatai Shadis] interprets the situation in the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan].
Sys427242_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope we can put an end to this war as quickly as possible. The fewer victims we have to mourn, the better.