result count: 5

Sys427253_nameResolute Action
Sys427253_szquest_accept_detailI know... <CY>Mothoman</CY> would've died whether you'd pulled him out of there or not. I have you to thank for at least having the chance to see him one last time before he died. He told me with his own lips what the trolls are up to down there in the [ZONE_BOTTOMLESS MINES|Bottomless Mines]. Now I know how to avenge my son. Those trolls will pay!\n\n([123893|Kughar's] expression undergoes a rapid change from sorrow to rage.)\n\nStoke the fires! Hand me my hammer! Dust off the anvil! Time to use every last sinew of my strength to recast [243281|Fanasa's Heart]! Stop standing there looking gormless, get me some [204523|Orkus Steel] before the fires die down!
Sys427253_szquest_complete_detailRecasting a talisman is a complicated procedure, with a great many steps. Plus of course the materials required must be of exceptional quality. Even the slightest of errors would be enough to ruin the entire project!
Sys427253_szquest_descHead into the [ZONE_BOTTOMLESS MINES|Bottomless Mines] and collect 10 lots of [204523|Orkus Steel] for [243281|Fanasa's Heart].
Sys427253_szquest_uncomplete_detail[204523|Orkus Steel] can be found in the [ZONE_BOTTOMLESS MINES|Bottomless Mines]. If you were able to guide my son out of there from under the very noses of the trolls, then I'm sure you'll be able to fetch me some [204523|Orkus Steel].