result count: 11
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_Q427276_1 | Desbloquear el sistema inmovilizador | Release driving lock |
SC_Q427276_2 | ¡Intento fallido! ¡Otra persona está utilizando este carro de reparto! | Attempt failed! Another person is already using the delivery cart! |
SC_Q427276_3 | ¡No tenéis la llave del carro! ¿Qué queréis hacer? | You don't have the key for the cart! What do you want to do? |
SC_Q427276_4 | El [103780|Carro de reparto] está completamente destrozado por los numerosos ataques. La misión ha fracasado. | The [103780|Delivery Cart] has already been completely destroyed by too many attacks. Your mission has failed. |
SC_Q427276_5 | Estáis demasiado lejos del [103780|Carro de reparto]. La misión ha fracasado. | You're too far away from the [103780|Delivery Cart]. Your mission has failed. |
SC_Q427276_6 | ¡Cuidado! Del [103780|Carro de reparto] solo quedan: | Careful! Remaining from the [103780|Delivery Cart]: |
Sys427276_name | Escoltar la mercancía | Goods Escort |
Sys427276_szquest_accept_detail | Acompañar a los carros de reparto no es una tarea exenta de peligros. A veces el olor atrae a animales salvajes, o bien los acechan los [SC_Z32KOBOLD|Kobolds]. Ya han resultado heridas 5 personas de camino a la [ZONE_SPECTER_GATE|Esclusa de los Espíritus]. \n\nAy... Me preocupa que nadie más esté dispuesto a asumir esta tarea. | Escorting the delivery carts isn't exactly a walk in the park. The smell of food tends to attract wild animals, but we also get [SC_Z32KOBOLD|Kobolds] waiting to ambush the transports. Five people have already been injured on the way to the [ZONE_SPECTER_GATE|Spectral Gate].\n\n*sigh* I'm starting to worry that people are going to stop volunteering for this duty. |
Sys427276_szquest_complete_detail | ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Me alegra mucho ver que esta vez nadie ha resultado herido! | Thank you! I'm really glad to hear that no one was injured this time! |
Sys427276_szquest_desc | Escoltad los carros de reparto cargados y entregadle la mercancía al administrador de suministros [123968|Ernhi Marthat] junto a la [ZONE_SPECTER_GATE|Esclusa de los Espíritus]. | Accompany the loaded delivery carts and hand over the various goods to the supply manager [123968|Ernhi Marthat] at the [ZONE_SPECTER_GATE|Spectral Gate]. |
Sys427276_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Cerca de la [ZONE_SPECTER_GATE|Esclusa de los Espíritus] hay algunos refugiados de una extraña etnia. A pesar de su escaso tamaño no han sido atacados hasta ahora. Aún así, deberías tener cuidado. | There are some refugees from a strange tribe staying near the [ZONE_SPECTER_GATE|Spectral Gate]. Despite their relatively small size, they have been left in peace up until now. Still, I'd recommend for you to be cautious. |