result count: 17

SC_Q427292_10Attempt failed! You don't have the relevant quest.
SC_Q427292_11Refine potion
SC_Q427292_12You already have enough [<S>204921|Potions of Success]!
SC_Q427292_2You cannot use this! You're missing the relevant quest.
SC_Q427292_3You haven't caught anything.
SC_Q427292_4Fantastic! You have the [205023|Golden Scale]!
SC_Q427292_5You cannot get any more [<S>205023|Golden Scales]!
SC_Q427292_6The target is busy so you cannot use it for the time being.
SC_Q427292_7The prepared materials are still insufficient. You cannot use this!
SC_Q427292_8You've done it! You've got the [204921|Potion of Success]!
SC_Q427292_9Your attempt failed. You receive the [204923|Potion of Failure].
Sys427292_nameA Pot of Potion
Sys427292_szquest_accept_detailI wonder whether [123966|Julia Jackson] has collected everything we need. The potion will gradually go off... or maybe she's just got lost somewhere? Yeah, that must be it.\n\nWe can't wait any longer. Do you think you could help me for a second? I still need [205021|Zeezee Grass], [<S>205022|Extra Thick Ostrich Eggshells] and [<S>205023|Golden Scales]. Once we've added these ingredients, given it a good stir at a specific speed, then the pot of potion will be ready. It's easy. Once you've done that, I'll give you a reward.
Sys427292_szquest_complete_detailThe result is even better than I expected, which only proves the recipe is perfectly usable. Now we just need to make enough of the stuff.
Sys427292_szquest_descObtain [205021|Zeezee Grass], [<S>205022|Extra Thick Ostrich Eggshells] and [<S>205023|Golden Scales], then help [123965|Eypomi Lammoh] to prepare the potion.
Sys427292_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>205023|Golden Scales] are a little more difficult to acquire. You'll probably have to borrow a [123993|Fishing Rod] from Fessman the fisherman.