result count: 5

Sys427318_nameAttaques ciblées des trollsTargeted Troll Attacks
Sys427318_szquest_accept_detailLes trolls lancent un nouvel assaut ! Tout le monde à son poste de combat !The trolls are attacking again! Battle stations everyone!
Sys427318_szquest_complete_detailCela me gêne beaucoup que les trolls nous attaquent de manière ciblée. Quelque chose doit nous échapper.I've got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why are the trolls targeting us with their attacks? Is there something we're overlooking?
Sys427318_szquest_descAidez [ZONE_TROLL_BARRICADE|Sandalor] à repousser les attaques des trolls.Help [ZONE_TROLL_BARRICADE|Sandalor] to turn back the troll attacks.
Sys427318_szquest_uncomplete_detailHum, hum. Ces trolls ont la peau vraiment coriace. Je dois impérativement commander de nouvelles armes.Hmph. These trolls are seriously thick-skinned. I'll definitely have to order some new weapons.