result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys427322_name | Pésima forja | Bad Smiths |
Sys427322_szquest_accept_detail | (Parece estar furioso.)\n\n¡Lo que los Trolls están fundiendo en sus hornos es <CY>acero de Orkus</CY>! No tengo ni idea de dónde lo sacan, pero soy un <CY>Enano de las Colinas</CY>, por lo que es imposible que esté confundiendo el <CY>acero de Orkus</CY> con otra cosa. ¡Pero nadie me cree!\n\nIndependientemente de las habilidades de forja de los Trolls, los objetos fabricados con <CY>acero de Orkus</CY> - incluso una simple cuchara - son capaces de destruir una armadura de un simple golpe. ¡Como el comandante no me cree, tendremos que hacer algo nosotros dos! | (He appears to be very angry.)\n\nThat stuff the trolls are smelting in their ovens? That's <CY>orkus steel</CY>! I've no idea where they got it from, but believe you me, as a <CY>hill dwarf</CY> there's absolutely no way I would confuse <CY>orkus steel</CY> with anything else. But apart from you, no one else is willing to believe me!\n\nHowever shabby the trolls' forging skills are, items made from <CY>orkus steel</CY> aren't to be trifled with. You could make a spoon out of the stuff, and it would still shatter most armor with a single blow! Since the commander doesn't believe me, it's up to the two of us to do something! |
Sys427322_szquest_complete_detail | ¡Ja! ¡Ahora ya ni siquiera son capaces de forjar una cuchara! | Ha! Now they'd have a job to even forge a spoon! |
Sys427322_szquest_desc | Acabad con [108850|Pachakon] para frustrar los planes de forja de los Trolls. | Defeat [108850|Pachakon] to foil the trolls' forge works. |
Sys427322_szquest_uncomplete_detail | ¡Sé que no me lo estoy imaginando! | I saw it with my own eyes. Why do people think I'm imagining it?! |