result count: 5

Sys427348_nameAll About Preparation
Sys427348_szquest_accept_detail[123966|Julia Jackson] hasn't brought me the ingredients. I should probably stop trying to rely on a child who's always getting lost. Do you think you could bring me some [205021|Zeezee Grass], [<S>205022|Extra Thick Ostrich Eggshells] and [<S>205023|Golden Scales]? I need huge amounts of potion. Don't worry, if you help me, you'll be handsomely rewarded.
Sys427348_szquest_complete_detailThe result is even better than I expected, which only proves the recipe is perfectly usable. Now we just need to make enough of the stuff.
Sys427348_szquest_descObtain [205021|Zeezee Grass], [<S>205022|Extra Thick Ostrich Eggshells] and [<S>205023|Golden Scales], then help [123965|Eypomi Lammoh] to prepare the potion.
Sys427348_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>205023|Golden Scales] are a little more difficult to acquire. You'll probably have to borrow a [123993|Fishing Rod] from Fessman the fisherman.