result count: 5

Sys427354_nameMemento to the Mirrorworld
Sys427354_szquest_accept_detailAccording to the inscriptions on the stone tablet, Naranis created a barrier at the gateway to the Mirrorworld. In order to cross the barrier, a kind of memento is required. That can only refer to the jewelry Fensay made. But you'll have to find out for yourself how to get hold of one of these mementos.\n\nThere is one hint I can give you on your way: On the Elven Island there's a [124125|Clandestine Merchant] decked out in black. Apparently, he's in possession of one of the silver leaf jewelry pieces Fensay made. You could ask him if he'll sell it to you.\n\nThe merchant is extremely wary, though, so you'll have to prove your sincerity to him if you're to trade.
Sys427354_szquest_complete_detailExcellent, you got the jewelry! Let me check it is the genuine article!\n\n([124126|Aylin Shina] draws out a minuscule, transparent crystal, places [243289|Fensay's Silver Leaf Jewelry] on top of it, and mutters a few magic words. The silver leaf jewelry begins to glow...)
Sys427354_szquest_descHead to the Elven Island and buy [243289|Fensay's Silver Leaf Jewelry] from the [124125|Clandestine Merchant]. Then take it to [124126|Aylin Shina].
Sys427354_szquest_uncomplete_detailHe's extremely wary, but if you're tenacious and show him your sincerity, you'll eventually win his trust.