result count: 12

Sys427393_nameBarricade Early Warning
Sys427393_szquest_accept_detailEsteemed Hero, I would like to ask something of you: [124158|Kerley Hill] wants me to install a <CY>Magic Detector</CY> near the camp's barricade. This would strengthen the camp's defenses as an instrument of that kind would be able to detect nearby magic and raise the alarm.\n\nHowever, I've heard that things can be pretty dangerous around the camp. Additionally, the installation of the equipment will take a while, so I'd like to ask you to ensure my safety while I'm working on it. Could you help me?
Sys427393_szquest_complete_detailThank you so much. The Magic Detector has now been installed.\n\nIf anyone who isn't part of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] comes near the camp, the Magic Detector will measure a magic signature and then sound the alarm. This will allow us to notice immediately if anyone's trying to infiltrate the camp.
Sys427393_szquest_descProtect [124187|Wendy Norbert] while she installs a Magic Detector on the barricade.
Sys427393_szquest_uncomplete_detailI... I will complete the installation as quickly as possible.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTBEGINBe on your guard! The enemy may attack at any moment.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTENDYou've defended [124187|Wendy Norbert] successfully.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTNOTE1Fight back the enemy!
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTNOTE2Be careful! There's still one left!
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTNOTE3Pull yourself together! You still need to defeat the final enemy.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTOPTIONStarting installation of the Magic Detector.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTRUNThe enemy is still on the prowl. You must continue to protect [124187|Wendy Norbert].