result count: 5

Sys427433_namePurple Dilapidated Crystal
Sys427433_szquest_accept_detailI have a task for you. In the area around the [ZONE_IMPASSABLE_VALLEY|Valley of No Return], there's apparently not only a Spatial Transfer, but also an energy that's causing the death of the animals and their accelerated decomposition. We believe this destructive energy comes from purple crystals.\n\nSo I'd like you to get me a few [<S>208395|Dilapidated Crystals]. I would like to conduct an examination to find out what kind of energy is responsible for this decay. Only in this way will the [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom] obtain enough information to work out how to proceed further in this matter.
Sys427433_szquest_complete_detailYou can see right away that there's something not quite right with these things. Their exterior is dull and a dark light surrounds them. Even the magic that emanates from them seems to convey an aura of evil.\n\nI will examine the crystal in greater detail as quickly as possible. But before I thank you, I still need to tell you something important: if you notice that you're feeling unwell or strange, you must let us know!\n\nFarewell and thank you. We will deal with finding precautions for the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] as quickly as possible.
Sys427433_szquest_descBring [124208|Herk Braiz] a [208395|Dilapidated Crystal] from the [ZONE_IMPASSABLE_VALLEY|Valley of No Return].
Sys427433_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease be careful when touching the crystals. Don't damage them and don't harm yourself on them. We still don't know how dangerous they actually are.