result count: 5

Sys427487_nameDangers of the Secret Grove
Sys427487_szquest_accept_detailThe [ZONE_SECLUDED_BASIN|Secluded Bay] is home to a number of savage creatures. To them, the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] are the intruders. Following the expansion of the [ZONE_LOWLAND_CORE|Citadel Outpost], they've kept up an unsettling array of attacks.\n\nWe don't see any other choice. We'd like to ask you to reduce the number of wild animals somewhat, and neutralize one of the challenges the [ZONE_LOWLAND_CORE|Citadel Outpost] is facing.\n\nDon't worry, there's no shortage of these animals – even if we cull a few of them, they're in no danger of going extinct.
Sys427487_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help. That will save a lot of repairs and other maintenance work in the camp. Up until now they've been waking up to new holes and minor repair jobs every morning... and, well, let's just say that didn't exactly leave people in the best of moods.
Sys427487_szquest_descHelp [124342|Gustav Nielitsky] to cull some of the wild animals in the region and reduce the number of dangers the [ZONE_LOWLAND_CORE|Citadel Outpost] is exposed to.
Sys427487_szquest_uncomplete_detailAh, to hell with them! These wild panthers, boars and the rest... sure, one or two of them alone aren't too strong, but when they come here attacking the camp in packs, they do an awful lot of damage!