result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys427493_name | The Altar's Keepers |
Sys427493_szquest_accept_detail | The [ZONE_SEAWAY_ALTAR|Altar of the Dying Sea] is located near the ocean, hence why the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] have tamed some Wild Scealoks to guard the altar.\n\nPlease help us to eliminate the [<S>109334|Scealoks of the Dying Sea] which are guarding the altar, and clear the way for our scouts to complete their work at the [ZONE_SEAWAY_ALTAR|Altar of the Dying Sea]. |
Sys427493_szquest_complete_detail | Thanks for your support, adventurer.\n\nThat'll make things infinitely easier for our scouts to complete their mission. |
Sys427493_szquest_desc | Help [124348|Weinar Nong] to eliminate the [<S>109334|Scealoks of the Dying Sea] around the altar and give the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance's] scouts free reign to complete their activities at the [ZONE_SEAWAY_ALTAR|Altar of the Dying Sea]. |
Sys427493_szquest_uncomplete_detail | The [<S>109334|scealoks'] sharp teeth can do some serious damage! Despite having claws, their ungainly physique leaves them unable to use them properly. How amusing! |