result count: 5

Sys427538_nameManipulating the Frost Camp Altar
Sys427538_szquest_accept_detailThe [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp] is the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] main base of operations on [ZONE_CLUHISS_ISLAND|Korris]. It's located in the interior of the island. Apparently there's some kind of magical altar there.\n\nI'd like you to use [124378|Arlya's] [243459|Incantograph] to copy and modify the spatial magic spell on the magical altar deep inside the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp]. I want to find out whether the spatial magic spell used on the altar in the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] largest camp is the same as has been used on the other altars out there.
Sys427538_szquest_complete_detailWell, what was it like? Did the altar look different to the others?\n\nWell, even if it looked different, that doesn't really mean anything. We need to find out what the spatial magic spell inside does.\n\nThanks for bringing back the [243459|Incantograph]. I'll analyze the spatial magic spell you copied and get to the bottom of it.
Sys427538_szquest_descHead over to the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp] and use the [243459|Incantograph] to copy and modify the spatial magic spell on the altar deep inside the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp]. Afterwards bring the Incantograph back to [124356|Wettikar Pulup].
Sys427538_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'd like you to use [124378|Arlya's] [243459|Incantograph] to copy and modify the spatial magic spell on the magical altar deep inside the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp]. I want to find out whether the spatial magic spell used on the altar in the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] largest camp is the same as has been used on the other altars out there.