result count: 4
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys427565_name | Hacia el Puesto del Bosque Meridional | On to the Southtree Station |
Sys427565_szquest_accept_detail | Ansari ha dicho que los cazadores Angren han descubierto en el [ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Bosque Nebuloso Meridional] algunos miembros de la tribu que aún no están afectados por la degeneración. Están retenidos cerca del [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Santuario de la Garra Lunar]. Por eso le ha pedido ayuda a la [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Mano del Equilibrio] ayuda para liberarlos.\n\nAntiguamente, el [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Santuario de la Garra Lunar] era el lugar de reunión y ceremonias de los Angren. Ahora, el [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables] lo utiliza como uno de los campamentos base desde los que propagan su magia de descomposición.\n\nAnsari ya ha partido junto con Anka y Rykolor hacia el[ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Bosque Nebuloso Meridional] para construir el [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Puesto del Bosque Meridional]. También he enviado allí a [124485|Kili Robson] para que les ayude.\n\nPero, según los informes de los exploradores de la [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Mano del Equilibrio], el [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables] no se toma a la ligera las derrotas de la [ZONE_GREENWOOD_FRONTLINE|Vanguardia del Bosque Nebuloso] y del [ZONE_QUIETSTAR_SANCTUARY|Santuario de Estrellanegra]. Se han vuelto extremadamente vigilantes. Kadnis ya ha intensificado las medidas de seguridad en el [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Santuario de la Garra Lunar] y ha estacionado allí a uno de sus subordinados más poderosos. Id al [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Puesto del Bosque Meridional] lo más rápido que podáis para encontraros con [124485|Kili Robson] y ofrecerle vuestra ayuda. | Ansari mentioned that the Angren Hunters in the [ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Southern Nebula Woods] have discovered a few tribesmen as yet untouched by the corruption. They are being held near the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary]. The [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] requests that you help to release them.\n\nThe [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] was once a place of importance for Angren ceremonies and events. Now the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] are exploiting the location as one of their main bases to spread their corrupting magic.\n\nAnsari has set off to the [ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Southern Nebula Woods] with Anka, Narfilli and Rykolor to set up the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station]. I've also dispatched [124485|Kili Robson] to help them.\n\nNevertheless, according to the reports from the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance's] scouts, the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] are not taking their defeats on the [ZONE_GREENWOOD_FRONTLINE|Nebula Woods Front] and the [ZONE_QUIETSTAR_SANCTUARY|Blackstar Sanctuary] lightly. They've become extremely vigilant. Kadnis has already increased security precautions around the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary] and stationed one of her most competent subordinates there. Please head to [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station] as quickly as you can, find [124485|Kili Robson] and offer your assistance. |
Sys427565_szquest_complete_detail | ([124485|Kili Robson] parece estar inconsciente. Al parecer ha resultado herida de gravedad durante un ataque). | ([124485|Kili Robson] seems to be unconscious. Presumably she was attacked and seriously injured.) |
Sys427565_szquest_desc | Id al [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Puesto del Bosque Meridional], en el [ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Bosque Nebuloso Meridional], y reuníos con [124485|Kili Robson]. | Go to the [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station] in the [ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Southern Nebula Woods] and meet with [124485|Kili Robson]. |