result count: 4

Sys427574_nameGathering before the Attack
Sys427574_szquest_accept_detail[124493|Aydan Highlander] has already reached the [ZONE_BLUEGAZE_CAMP|Azure Camp] with the Elite Troops of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] and has decided to storm the [ZONE_RUNECAST_RAMPART|Demon Bastion] immediately. He has already set out, along with [124494|Kerley Hill] and [124495|Arlya]. Rykolor is with them to lead them to the [ZONE_RUNECAST_RAMPART|Demon Bastion].\n\n[124493|Aydan Highlander] said they would start attacking as soon as you meet up with them.
Sys427574_szquest_complete_detailExcellent, honorable hero, we've been waiting for you.
Sys427574_szquest_descMeet with [124493|Aydan Highlander] at the [ZONE_RUNECAST_RAMPART|Demon Bastion].