result count: 5

Sys427603_nameMutated Tree Beetle Shells
Sys427603_szquest_accept_detailThe [109428|Enoch Tree Beetles] of the [ZONE_NIGHTCLOAK_FOREST|Veiled Forest] have developed sharp thorns on their [243502|Shells] as a result of the foul magic. That's why they're known as [109463|Mutated Tree Beetles].\n\nI have observed that the texture of their [243502|Shells] is very resilient. We should make use of this. As long as they carry the foul magic within themselves, we won't be able to use them to improve our armor. But we could collect them for defensive reasons: for traps or for our barricades.\n\nPlease bring me the [243502|Shells] of these [109463|Mutated Tree Beetles]. Just a few more of these shells and I'll be able to set up my first trap.
Sys427603_szquest_complete_detailGreat. The thorns on this [243502|Shell] are perfect. These will make a few really great traps.\n\nI can hardly wait to try out the traps with the thorn shells. But first I will need to warn my colleagues so that don't accidentally walk into them. That would really be inconvenient.
Sys427603_szquest_descKill a few [109463|Mutated Tree Beetles] and bring their [243502|Shells] to [124437|Snirp Karda] the Reserve Member of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] in the [ZONE_BLUEGAZE_CAMP|Azure Camp].
Sys427603_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease bring me the [243502|Shells] of these [109463|Mutated Tree Beetles]. Just a few more of these shells and I'll be able to set up my first trap.