result count: 5

Sys427620_nameEl amuleto personal de un antiguo camaradaThe Personal Amulet of an Old Comrade
Sys427620_szquest_accept_detail[109478|Kurda], Garra del Horror, es un antiguo compañero de batalla. Si alguien me llegaba a la suela del zapato, entonces él. Pero ahora que ha sucumbido a la degeneración ya apenas le reconozco. Y él tampoco reconoce ya mi cara. Es desesperante.\n\n¡Acabad con él!\n\n¿Podríais traerme el [109478|amuleto personal] que lleva encima [243499|Kurda]? Lo usaré para rezar por mi antiguo camarada, para que pueda descansar en paz y dejar atrás el caos de la guerra.The Horror Claw [109478|Kurda] is one of my old brothers in arms. If anyone took care of me, it was him. But today he's been corrupted by the Decay and he doesn't recognize my face as anything more than a stranger's now. It's enough to drive you mad.\n\nKill it!\n\nCould you bring me the [109478|Personal Amulet] that [243499|Kurda] is carrying? Then I shall pray for my fallen comrade so that he can rest in peace and leave the turmoil of war behind him.
Sys427620_szquest_complete_detail¡Descansa en paz, viejo camarada!\n\nBueno, ya está. Es hora de tomar un trago de aguardiente. Vaya, mírate. ¿Cómo ha podido llegar a esto? Echo de menos los días en los que medíamos nuestras fuerzas en duelo...\n\nTe juro que mi espada no descansará hasta que no te haya vengado.Rest in Peace, comrade!\n\nWell, that's it. Time for a little drop of liquor. Ah, look at you. How did it come to this...? I miss the days when we would duel against one another...\n\nI swear to you that my blade will not rest until it has avenged you.
Sys427620_szquest_descDerrotad a Garra del Horror [109478|Kurda]. Anda patrullando el [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Santuario de la Garra Lunar]. Quitadle su [243499|amuleto personal] y llevádselo a Anka al [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Puesto del Bosque Meridional].Defeat [109478|Kurda] the Horror Claw. He's patrolling the [ZONE_MOONCLAW_SHRINE|Moonclaw Sanctuary]. Take the [243499|Personal Amulet] off of him and bring it to Anka at [ZONE_SOUTHTREE_STATION|Southtree Station].
Sys427620_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Podríais traerme el [109478|amuleto personal] que lleva encima [243499|Kurda]? Lo usaré para rezar por mi antiguo camarada, para que pueda descansar en paz y dejar atrás el caos de la guerra.Could you bring me the [109478|Personal Amulet] that [243499|Kurda] is carrying? Then I shall pray for my fallen comrade so that he can rest in peace and leave the turmoil of war behind him.