result count: 5

Sys427644_nameThe Canines and the Inexorable League
Sys427644_szquest_accept_detailThe Canines are also known as Limus. Their original home is the [ZONE_LYMOR_DESERT|Limo Desert]. The Canines on the island must have arrived here by spatial transfer and so they're also foreign to the island. Who would have thought that they'd join up with the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] so fast?\n\nPlease help me and eliminate a few of the [109629|Canine Bandit Scouts] lurking around the [ZONE_GALE_GATE|Stormwatch]. This way, you should be able to attract their attention. That should give me enough space to concentrate on my research and gather more information.
Sys427644_szquest_complete_detailVery good. I've been able to gather quite a bit of information.\n\nThe Canines from the [ZONE_GALE_GATE|Stormwatch] were originally part of a group of bandits who caused trouble in the [ZONE_BLIZZARD_DUNE|Storm Dunes]. Since the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] threatened them, they now keep watch for the League at this more than inhospitable base.
Sys427644_szquest_descEliminate the [109629|Canine Bandit Scouts] lurking around the [ZONE_GALE_GATE|Stormwatch] to draw their attention to you. [124512|Aydan Highlander] will then be able to focus more intently on his research.
Sys427644_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease help me and eliminate a few of the [109629|Canine Bandit Scouts] lurking around the [ZONE_GALE_GATE|Stormwatch]. This way, you should be able to attract their attention. That should give me enough space to concentrate on my research and gather more information.