result count: 5

Sys427666_nameRemove the Protection Crystals
Sys427666_szquest_accept_detailWe have ascertained that these crystals have a distorting effect on magic. In the immediate vicinity of the [124566|Protection Crystals], the magic powers of the followers of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] are enhanced. At the same time, the magic powers of the members of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] wane. As a result, even if we successfully break through to the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis], we'll be fighting a losing battle and won't be able to use our abilities to their full extent.\n\nTherefore, I would like to give you this important task of destroying the [124566|Protection Crystals]. My men and I will then start to advance when the time is right. Then, if everything goes to plan, we'll meet at the entrance to the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis].
Sys427666_szquest_complete_detailExcellent. The unbearable pressure that was weighing on us has now abated. You have surely destroyed all of the [124566|Protection Crystals].\n\nNow a really ugly battle awaits us in the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis].
Sys427666_szquest_descHelp to destroy the [124566|Protection Crystals] on the [ZONE_SCARLET_PATHWAY|Scarlet Pass]. Then meet with [124527|Aydan Highlander] at the entrance to the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis].
Sys427666_szquest_uncomplete_detailI would like to give you the important task of destroying the [124566|Protection Crystals]. My men and I will then start to advance when the time is right. Then, if everything goes to plan, we'll meet at the entrance to the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis].