result count: 4

Sys427671_nameThe Great Discovery
Sys427671_szquest_accept_detailArlya has returned to the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] to conduct her analysis. She has now found the key components for the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] spatial transfer. After she decoded them, the transport technology they use is no longer bound to a fixed location.\n\nKerley Hill has already returned to confirm this. [124531|Arlya] said you should return as quickly as possible and report to her.
Sys427671_szquest_complete_detailHehehe, honorable hero, thank you so much for carrying out the fluctuation readings for me in the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis].\n\nWith this data I was able to find and decode the key components for the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] spatial transfer.\n\nNow I can set up a transport portal that can take you to any place you like in the [ZONE_SHATTUM_ARCHIPELAGO|Shataem Archipelago]. Even if the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] has blocked the area.\n\nTherefore, I've also been able to set up the Chassizz Transport Portal that leads to [ZONE_ZACEHS_ISLAND|Chassizz]. However, as Kerley Hill and his people have already used the portal, it needs to be recharged before you can use it next.
Sys427671_szquest_descReturn to the [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] and let [124531|Arlya] explain the analysis results she obtained from decoding the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] spatial transfer technology.