result count: 5

Sys427677_nameMission: Earth Elementals
Sys427677_szquest_accept_detailThere really are too many Earth Elementals on the [ZONE_BLIZZARD_DUNE|Storm Dunes].\n\nIf those restless and destructive Earth Elementals go berserk, they'll be a huge danger to us scouts in our search for water reserves.\n\nAlthough we surely won't be able to overcome this large number of Earth Elementals, it would still be nice if you could eliminate a few of them. Then we would no longer be afraid that one of those deadly Earth Elementals could be hiding in each of those sandhills.
Sys427677_szquest_complete_detailEven one Earth Elemental less is still one Earth Elemental less. Great work!\n\nNevertheless, I'll still request that you regularly deal with those Earth Elementals on the [ZONE_BLIZZARD_DUNE|Storm Dunes]. There are just too many of them.
Sys427677_szquest_descHelp [124534|Aydanna], the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] scout at the [ZONE_CHIMEVEER_CAMP|Halfmoon Camp], by eliminating the Earth Elementals on the [ZONE_BLIZZARD_DUNE|Storm Dunes].
Sys427677_szquest_uncomplete_detailAlthough we surely won't be able to overcome this large number of Earth Elementals, it would still be nice if you could eliminate a few of them. Then we would no longer be afraid that one of those deadly Earth Elementals could be hiding in each of those sandhills.