result count: 5

Sys427743_nameDangerous Flora
Sys427743_szquest_accept_detailThere's one thing we have to get straight. My investigations have revealed that it wasn't the Reaper himself who appeared on [ZONE_RIVENBLADE_CRUX|Rivensword Field], but rather an imitation, a copy, a clone with the very same abilities as the original.\n\nIf the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] has found a way to create clones like that, we'll have to steel ourselves for further confrontations with enemies past.\n\n[124582|Aydan Highlander] recently arrived in the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] with the aim of investigating the control point and exploring the area. But he's been attacked and injured by the local plant life. It turns out that the seemingly innocuous greenery is made up of carnivorous plants.\n\nThink you could help us eradicating the [109703|Ashwood Carnivorous Plants]? I'll tend to [124582|Aydan's] wounds in the meantime.
Sys427743_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help, honorable hero.\n\nI've done what I can for [124582|Aydan's] wounds, but the poison from these [109703|Ashwood Carnivorous Plants] is still coursing through his veins...
Sys427743_szquest_descEradicate the [109703|Carnivorous Plants] in the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] and report back to [124583|Kerley Hill].
Sys427743_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease help us wipe out the [109703|Carnivorous Plants] in the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest]. I need to treat [124582|Aydan Highlander's] wounds.