result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys427752_name | Reducción de calor | Cooling Down |
Sys427752_szquest_accept_detail | Aparte de los Elementales de fuego, los Demonios de fuego son los enemigos más potentes del [ZONE_MAGMA_BASIN|Embalse de Magma]. Por suerte, esos Demonios de fuego recién aparecidos no sirven al [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables], por lo que solo atacan el [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Campamento del Sol Abrasador] en solitario.\n\nHe colocado cerca del campamento algunos [124644|Cristales refrigeradores]. Por dos motivos: reducen a una cantidad aguantable la temperatura en el campamento y mantienen a los Demonios de fuego a cierta distancia porque ese frío no les gusta.\n\nPor desgracia, el poder de los [124644|Cristales refrigeradores] se reduce constantemente, por lo que quiero pediros que recarguéis los [124644|Cristales refrigeradores] que se encuentran cerca del [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Campamento del Sol Abrasador] para que sigan funcionando. | Ignoring the elementals, the Flame Devils are the most difficult opponent we have to face around the [ZONE_MAGMA_BASIN|Magma Basin]. Fortunately these newly born Flame Devils aren't in the service of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League], and they're only attacking the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp] in dribs and drabs.\n\nI've erected some [124644|Cooling Crystals] around the camp. They should kill two birds with one stone. For one thing, they'll reduce the temperature in general, and make it a bit more tolerable in holding this position. For another, they should keep the Flame Devils at a distance, as they're sensitive to the cold.\n\nUnfortunately, the power of the [124644|Cooling Crystals] is being constantly drained, which is why I need you to recharge the [124644|crystals] positioned around the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp] and keep them operational. |
Sys427752_szquest_complete_detail | ¡Estupendo! ¡Muy bien, aventurero! El resto se lo podéis dejar a mis tropas. Se asegurarán de que los [124644|Cristales refrigeradores] estén siempre llenos.\n\nAhora, todos los peligros en torno al [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Campamento del Sol Abrasador] están neutralizados. Ya podemos concentrarnos en la lucha contra el [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables]. | Excellent, great job, adventurer! My men can deal with the rest. They'll keep the [124644|Cooling Crystals] fully charged from now on.\n\nThat puts us in a safe place at the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp], almost all nearby dangers have been dealt with. We can now concentrate on fighting the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. |
Sys427752_szquest_desc | Recargad los [124644|Cristales refrigeradores] colocados en las cercanías del [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Campamento del Sol Abrasador] y después informad a [124585|Lemondis Coyz]. | Recharge the [124644|Cooling Crystals] located around the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp] and report back to [124585|Lemondis Coyz] afterwards. |
Sys427752_szquest_uncomplete_detail | El poder de los [124644|Cristales refrigeradores] se reduce gradualmente. Por favor, recargad los [124644|Cristales refrigeradores] que hay en las cercanías del [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Campamento del Sol Abrasador]. | The power of the [124644|Cooling Crystals] is constantly being drained. Please recharge the [124644|Cooling Crystals] located near the [ZONE_SCORCHSUN|Scorching Sun Camp]. |