result count: 5

Sys427777_nameQuality Charcoal
Sys427777_szquest_accept_detailThe [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] would be a pretty picturesque place, if it weren't for all these carnivorous plants... and it wouldn't be half as bad if they couldn't move!\n\nI've been told that it was once a luscious forest, but when the Zerus volcano on the island erupted, the lava virtually laid it to waste. Nevertheless, a power of some kind managed to protect parts of the forest.\n\nSince then, the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] has been rife with valuable materials.\n\nCould you collect some [124650|Lumps of Wood] on your travels for me to convert into charcoal? That'll give us more than enough fuel for our camp, and free us from our reliance on further supplies.
Sys427777_szquest_complete_detailYou've done really well, thank you!\n\nThese [243545|Lumps of Wood] are really good quality. I'll be able to make some excellent charcoal from this, just as I expected. Well, I'd best get straight to work!
Sys427777_szquest_descCollect [243545|Lumps of Wood] in the [ZONE_ASHWOOD_THICKET|Ashwood Forest] and hand them to [124617|Bron Charles] from the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance's] supply unit.
Sys427777_szquest_uncomplete_detailCould you collect some [124650|Lumps of Wood] on your travels for me to convert into charcoal? That'll give us more than enough fuel for our camp, and free us from our reliance on further supplies.