result count: 5

Sys427779_nameTitan Unbound
Sys427779_szquest_accept_detailThere's one particular mechanical creature in the [ZONE_TITANZEST_HILLS|Demon Mountains] with a terrifying presence. The scouts have christened it the [109714|Mechanical Titan]. It's already killed a number of us...\n\nPlease take out the [109714|Mechanical Titan] and remove its [243547|Power Core] so it can kill no more.
Sys427779_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! A beast like that cannot be left to run free. Or none of us are safe...\n\nThanks for your help, honorable hero!
Sys427779_szquest_descAnnihilate the [109714|Mechanical Titan] in the [ZONE_TITANZEST_HILLS|Demon Mountains], extract its [243547|Power Core] and give it to [124619|Mizun Mardies], scout of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance].
Sys427779_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease destroy the [109714|Mechanical Titan] and retrieve its [243547|Power Core].