result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys427844_name | Secret Admirer |
Sys427844_szquest_accept_detail | While stoking the flames, you suddenly felt like you were being observed, and noticed a mysterious creature watching you. You've never before seen anything like it in the region around [SC_ZONEID_15|Thunderhoof Hills].\n\nDo you want to find out where the creature is from? |
Sys427844_szquest_complete_detail | Thanks for returning the child, gracious traveler. |
Sys427844_szquest_desc | You must [109968|find the Baby Annofera] again. Track it down and find out where it came from.\n\nMake sure you keep your distance. If you press too close to the Baby Annofera, or move too far away, it will take flight. If you fail your mission, you will need to restart the quest to [109968|find the Baby Annofera] from the beginning. |
Sys427844_szquest_uncomplete_detail | [DOR_2020_NYR_NPC_02|It's watching you warily.] |