result count: 5

Sys427941_nameHunting Experience
Sys427941_szquest_accept_detailThe old man stamps his hooves, presses his big snout against your hand multiple times then shakes the goods on his body.\n\nSurprisingly, you understand immediately what he means: you can exchange 84 [244207|Peak Fragments] for a [244220|Peak Experience Orb (1,000,000 Points)].\n\n<CY>(Level 4. This quest has a total of 4 levels. It resets daily.)</CY>
Sys427941_szquest_complete_detailIt's a truly peculiar creature.
Sys427941_szquest_descIf you have finished Peak Hunting and have collected [244207|Peak Fragments], you can exchange them with [124755|Mystery Hermit's Companion] for a Peak Experience Orb.
Sys427941_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe old man stamps his hooves once more.