result count: 10

SC_427948_124965_1Next, please dress up as the [124962|ugly duckling].
SC_427948_124965_2Hey! Pardon me, but my props have gotten all mixed up. I'll help dress you in the correct costume right away! What a mess! How many times have I told [124955|Chloe Kayla] that the acting props for different scenes need to be kept separate!
SC_427948_124965_3The [124962|ugly duckling] has finally transformation into a swan... hasn't it? Wait a minute... That isn't the swan I know...
SC_427948_124965_4The [124962|ugly duckling] has become a swan... Hm...? You're looking for a bathtub?!
SC_427948_124965_5I know what you mean... You aren't the first to mention it. We have a tight budget for this production... But the ugly duckling still turned into a swan, right?
Sys427948_nameA Swan at Last
Sys427948_szquest_accept_detailThe [124962|ugly duckling] has no where else to stay and hides away in a cave to escape the bitter cold of winter.\n\nThe warmth of spring has finally come, and the [124962|ugly duckling] leaves the cave. It sees the swans it met in the winter. They start walking directly towards him, but the [124962|duckling] thinks they only want to bully him and quickly runs away... until he sees his reflection in the water.\n\nWhat did the [124962|ugly duckling] see, you ask?\n\nGo to the [ZONE_SUNSET_MIRROR_FALLS|Sunset Mirror Falls] and speak with [124957|Nena Kayla] there who can be found inside a nearby cave. First, she will dress you up as the [124962|ugly duckling]. Then you should use the [124965|Fairy Tale Mirror] to have a look at yourself.
Sys427948_szquest_complete_detailIt turns out that our [124962|ugly duckling] never was a duckling, but instead a fledgling swan. The [124962|ugly duckling] is amazed.\n\nWhen he was little, no one wanted to be friends with him due to his looks, but now the [124962|ugly duckling] finally has friends. In the end he flies off into the distance with the other white swans to begin his new life.\n\nCongratulations! You have experienced the whole story of the [124962|Ugly Duckling]!
Sys427948_szquest_desc[124955|Chloe Kayla] from [ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE|Tomara] would like you to go to[ZONE_SUNSET_MIRROR_FALLS|Sunset Mirror Falls] and speak with [124957|Nena Kayla] who can be found in a cave there. She will dress you up as the [124962|ugly duckling]. Then you should use the [124965|Fairy Tale Mirror] to have a look at yourself.
Sys427948_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou are now the [124962|ugly duckling]. Be sure you have the costume on right!