result count: 9

SC_427951_1You must bring the [244370|Beer for Customers] with you.
SC_427951_2Please accept the quest from [124969|Thomas Sterlin] first.
SC_427951_3This is [124969|Thomas Sterlin's] beer for you.
SC_427951_4Wow. This method of delivering beer is really something special! Now I feel a bit better.
Sys427951_nameWho needs a delivery cart?
Sys427951_szquest_accept_detailYou're really great. Could you also please help me deliver the beer to my best customers?\n\nTo ensure the beer won't be stolen this time, I've decided to lend you my cherished [124978|Occidental Dragon].\nIt might seem a bit much, but his terrifying appearance is just what we want so people don't get any funny ideas. You get it, right?
Sys427951_szquest_complete_detailThen I'll try some of the [205893|Moonlight Grapefruit Juice] from this emergency delivery...
Sys427951_szquest_desc[124969|Thomas Sterlin], who's located outside [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], is asking you to deliver the [244370|Beer for Customers] to [124971|Dukar Sterlin] in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn], under the protection of the [124978|Occidental Dragon].
Sys427951_szquest_uncomplete_detailLiquor? Where is my liquor?