result count: 19

SC_427952_1To get Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice, you've just got to stir in my secret recipe!
SC_427952_10*burp* I secretly took some of your beer... but then someone else stole it...
SC_427952_11Because you're dunderheads! Once you sober up, you're in for a treat!
SC_427952_12You've successfully made [244199|Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice]! This drink seems to have side effects somehow... What's wrong with it?
SC_427952_13You still need [244399|Dukar's Moonlight Grapefruit Juice].
SC_427952_14You still need [244398|Dukar's Secret Recipe].
SC_427952_2Here's the secret recipe. Get some Moonlight Grapefruit Juice and stir it in. This will get that dastardly thief drunk!
SC_427952_3Here is your Special Strong Wine.
SC_427952_4You are really something... I'll give you a free beer...
SC_427952_5*burp* Wait a minute... Something about this beer is off... I'm getting really hot... and my head's spinning...
SC_427952_6... Now I think I'm seeing... strange hallucinations? *burp* Dukar looks huge!
SC_427952_7You bastard! Did you steal my Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice?!
SC_427952_8Huh, steal? I just borrowed some of it... *burp*
SC_427952_9Don't deny it! You took it without asking!
Sys427952_nameGet Thomas drunk
Sys427952_szquest_accept_detailWait a minute! Something isn't right here! This delivery contains the beer that I brewed!\nThis tastes like my special recipe, without a doubt! A few days ago, I made a big announcement that it was ready and was looking forward to presenting my special creation at the [DIR_TAGID_011|Juice Festival].\n\nBut then my beer was stolen!\n\nYou should help me put him to the test to prove I wasn't lying. From what I can tell, he can't hold his liquor very well. Let's get him drunk on my special [244199|Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice] so he'll let the truth slip!
Sys427952_szquest_complete_detailSo it really was this scoundrel! Now he'll learn how I deal with thieves!
Sys427952_szquest_desc[124971|Dukar Sterlin] from [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] would like you to make a cup of [244199|Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice] and use it to get [124969|Thomas Sterlin], who's just outside [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], drunk so that he lets the truth slip.\n\n(Mix 1 cup of [244399|Dukar's Moonlight Grapefruit Juice] with 1 portion of [244398|Dukar's Secret Recipe] to make 1 cup of [244199|Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice])
Sys427952_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you get him drunk on the [244199|Spiked Moonlight Grapefruit Juice]?