result count: 13

SC_427955_1I have some candy for you!
SC_427955_2Thanks! Ahhh...! What... What are you?
SC_427955_3Aaaaghhhhh! Terrible!
SC_427955_4I don't want any more candy!
SC_427955_5Help! The bear wants to catch me!
SC_427955_6You still need some [244473|Tempting Candy], or the [124984|Trick-or-Treater] won't take any notice of you.
SC_427955_7You've already scared the [124984|Trick-or-Treater].
SC_427955_8Please accept the [124983|Mysterious Pumpkin Person's] quest first.
Sys427955_nameBrutal Teddy Bear
Sys427955_szquest_accept_detailLet's plan how we're going to make that kid terrified of pumpkins!\nSo this is what I was thinking: You lure the [124984|Trick-or-Treater] with some [244473|Tempting Candy], and then you can put the Teddy Bear Costume on while they're distracted. I guarantee you that they'll scream in terror!\n\nWhat do you think? Pretty good, huh?\nStart whenever you're ready.
Sys427955_szquest_complete_detailHahaha! Did you see how he ran away screaming? That's what happens when you get candy from us! He even sent a whole group of kids in our direction! Now they won't be so greedy any more!
Sys427955_szquest_descThe [124983|Mysterious Pumpkin Person] in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn] wants you to help them with their plan and scare the [124984|Trick-or-Treater]. Use [244473|Tempting Candy] to lure the [124984|Trick-or-Treater]. Put the Teddy Bear Costume on, quickly, while they're a bit distracted.
Sys427955_szquest_uncomplete_detailCan you remember that? Our plan is that you're going to lure the [124984|Trick-or-Treater] over with some [244473|Tempting Candy], and then you can quickly put the Teddy Bear Costume on while they're distracted.