result count: 25

SC_427958_1What's been going on lately?
SC_427958_10[125001|Lost Lil' Red]?!
SC_427958_11That's right, a good friend of mine. A handsome ostrich with fiery red feathers. I wonder if it really has been abducted by human mages and transformed into an egg...
SC_427958_12Don't worry. I'll help you find [125001|Lost Lil' Red]. Hopefully, we won't have to hatch it again!
SC_427958_13*sigh* ...You have to be wary of humans too so you don't suffer the same fate. To start with, I thought humans only had good intentions, but then... that happened.
SC_427958_14The ostrich is very suspicious of you! Please put the [244507|Pink Ostrich Disguise] on.
SC_427958_15The ostrich doesn't understand your language. Please drink the [244506|Ostrich Communication Potion].
SC_427958_16I need another bottle of [244506|Ostrich Communication Potion].
SC_427958_17I'm ready to help you find Lost Lil' Red.
SC_427958_18...But why don't I understand your language?
SC_427958_19Bah, I don't want to talk to you! If you have any questions, talk to the next ostrich, but leave me alone! Chee-goo-goo-goo! Chee-goo-chee!
SC_427958_2Wait a minute... Are you new here? Why don't you know that?!
SC_427958_3...Oh, uh... I'm not from around here.
SC_427958_4Then you had better be careful! Apparently, strange mages have been abducting us ostriches lately and transforming us back into eggs!
SC_427958_5Transforming you back into eggs?
SC_427958_6Yep, you heard me right! That's so sick and crazy! We're just toys to them! They probably think it's a cinch to hatch ostrich eggs!
SC_427958_7Why does that sound so strange?
SC_427958_8I can help you find out more about that strange human mage.
SC_427958_9*sigh* ...Besides the strange human made, I'm worried about [125001|Lost Lil' Red]...
Sys427958_nameRuffled Ostrich Feathers
Sys427958_szquest_accept_detailDrink the [244506|Ostrich Communication Potion], put on the [244507|Pink Ostrich Disguise] I made, and carefully get close to the [124996|Colorful Ostriches].\n\nTry to talk to the [124996|Colorful Ostriches] and [549955|find out why the ostriches are restless]. And don't scare them off!\n\nJust talk to me again if the effect of the potion wears off.
Sys427958_szquest_complete_detailI understand now! That's why I got the feeling there were fewer and fewer ostriches... Because they keep being turned into ostrich eggs by some unknown mage!\n\nThat's really strange! I've decided to stand guard here, so no suspicious people can get close to the ostriches!
Sys427958_szquest_desc[124995|Beatrice Maykern], who can be found outside [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], wants you to drink the [244506|Ostrich Communication Potion] and wear the [244507|Pink Ostrich Disguise]. Then you should talk to the [124996|Colorful Ostriches] to [549955|find out why they're so worried].\n\n(If the effect of the [244506|Ostrich Communication Potion] wears off, you can get more from [124995|Beatrice Maykern].)
Sys427958_szquest_uncomplete_detailRemember to put on the [244507|Pink Ostrich Disguise], drink the [244506|Ostrich Communication Potion], and talk to the [124996|Colorful Ostriches].